After a seemingly endless road trip during 2020, James Calleo, "one of Hudson County's most engaging songwriters (," found himself back home with a notebook full of stories. He got right to work, calling up old friends to create new music inspired by the wind, the sea, and the outstretched highway. As fate would have it, Widely Grown bassist, Dave Lockhart, reconnected with Tyler Thompson (drummer of Fruition, TK & the Holy Know Nothings) Tyler invited the band to his home studio in Pittsburgh, PA. Over the next three days, the Widely Grown boys (Dave DeRiso on drums; Sean David Cunningham on fiddle) tracked 10 songs live. Sitting in on the session was Justin Mazer (Ryan Montbleau, Midnight North, Daniel Rodriguez) Often compared to the vibe of Railroad Earth, Caamp, and the Wood Brothers—a little grass, a little rock. The heart and soul of this band lie in their live performance. Creating thoughtful and lively sets, weaving in some of their personal favorite songs as well.
As the sister catering company of Vernon Family Farm, VK’s full menu is available at our on-farm events. The menu highlights seasonal, locally grown and raised food—all poultry and meat are pastured right here at the farm!
Dig into our famous fried chicken (available at all events this year!) or grab a whole rotisserie chicken with all the sides and fixins to leave you and your crew happy and full. We’re slingin’ big flavor, come with a big appetite!